Thursday, October 27, 2011

Love, The Boykins

This is from Georgia…word for word!
Chris, I just love you, Chris!!  You are such a little joker.   I remember when you told me Aunt Shorty was going to sleep outside.  That was one of your jokes.  You are so sweet to me, and I miss you so much.  I love going on boat rides with you and jumping to you in the water.  You throw me so good in the water.  You are so nice to me.   You are just so good at being a Daddy to Noah.  I miss you so much and hope I get to see you, Elizabeth and Noah really soon!!  I hope your birthday is awesome and I am so glad you are part of my family.  If I could ever say yes to anything, it would be for you Chris!  I love you!!  

Love, Georgia

Happy 30th Birthday, Chris!!!  I love that we both have October birthdays.  From the moment you and Elizabeth started dating I knew you were going to get married and that you would become part of our family.  You have always been such a positive influence in my life.  I loved it when I got to be in your wedding, and all of the fun times at the lake and at the beach.  I will never forget you getting in the water with me teaching me how to ski.  I love how you always write a special note to me in the book that you give me for Christmas every year.   I admire you and look up to you so much.  You are an amazing Daddy to Noah, and I love getting to spend time with you, Elizabeth and Noah.   I love you, and wish you the happiest of birthdays!!  

Love, Mary Ashley

Happy Birthday, Chris!!  What a special birthday this is for you in so many ways.   Not only are you moving into a new decade, you are celebrating with an absolutely adorable, precious blessing…sweet Noah.   You are such an incredible father to Noah…so attentive, caring and nurturing.  I had no doubt  that you would be.  You have always loved and cared for our girls in a way that speaks volumes about the man you are.  I will never forget the first time you and Elizabeth met Georgia at Aunt Shorty’s house.  You lied on the floor beside her on the blanket and just talked to her.  She grinned ear to ear at 4 weeks old, and has loved you like crazy ever since.   Mary Ashley has always looked up to you, and truly admires you.  I’ll never forget the smile on her face when you danced with her at your wedding.  Thanks for being such a strong positive force in their lives.  I only wish we lived closer so we could spend more time with you, Elizabeth and Noah.   We wish you the sweetest of blessings as you move into your 30’s.  There is no doubt that God’s hand is wrapped tightly around you and your precious family.  I am just thankful that we get to share in your lives.  We love you!   

Paige & George

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