Friday, October 28, 2011

The Big 3-0 for Frisbee Chris! Love, Dave

I’m not sure if we were quite able to recreate the magicalness from the end of Dirty Dancing in this picture but it will always make me smile regardless. Freshman year in Fitten, I will always remember those amazing mashed potatoes we had in midtown somewhere, driving down Ralph David Abernathy in your Jeep trying to find the Krispy Kreme, and of course the nekkid run and the invitation of nekkid people church (*shudder*). Also, I do recall a time, in Aaron and Michael’s room of course, when I accidently hit you in the mouth with some form of flying object (a Frisbee or hard plastic cup?) and you were worried that I might have damaged your crown. Had I known then that you would eventually lose the tooth to a particularly aggressive infection I wouldn’t have felt so bad.

Georgia Tech would not have been the same without you and your Jude Law sexiness. And you are the smartest person I know. Add in the fact that you are a loyal and dedicated friend, husband, and father and I can count it is a blessing to have you as a pal. It has been a blast being friends for the last 11 years and I can’t wait for the next visit to the ATL from the Tison clan. Happy Birthday Chris!
Love ya man, Dave

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