Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Little Sister to Big Brother

Happy 30 years, Chris!

You met me 26.5 years ago, almost exactly. Mom always told the story of when you looked up at her while holding me and said “This has been nice, but you can take her back where she came from now.” Eventually, you grew accustomed to me, and I did not have to be returned to the hospital. Thanks! Even though I don’t remember any of these times, all of the pictures of us together show you being a great big brother, even if you weren’t the happiest about it.

You couldn't hide your true feelings very well. 

Once I started to get a little older, our unique brother and sister bond began to form. I convinced you to put hundreds of barrettes in my hair and then went crying to mom and got you in trouble. We went to SeaWorld, and you convinced me that Shamu was going to splash me when we went to get a picture in front of his tank. I was biting my nails and huddling next to you while you grinned from ear to ear.

The barrette incident...before I cried. 

 As we grew up, our relationship changed. You weren’t my playmates as much as my competitor and motivator. Having all the same teachers and all the same classes meant that I had to live up to their high standards of the Tison students but also try and do better than my big brother. You were always so generous to drive me to school and take me home every day your senior year, which made me feel like the luckiest freshman in the world.
 A high school pep rally day.

I was surprisingly sad when you went off to college. The house felt empty, even though you were rarely there after you got your driver’s license. It was so exciting when you surprised us for Thanksgiving and came home with all your fun adventures and stories at Christmas time. I couldn’t wait to start my own adventures and follow in your footsteps once again. I don’t think I would have taken a leap to try Industrial Design without you showing me how great it was at Georgia Tech, and I know that I never would have gone to law school if you had not been as academically motivated as you are.

 Your first Christmas home from college. 

The thing that I am most thankful for and proud to have you as my big brother happened last year. Law school was three years of hard work, and I was so excited to celebrate with lots of family. When I learned that none of our extended family could come, I was pretty devastated. I never expected that you and Liz would be able to make it, especially since I wasn’t able to make it to your PhD graduation. For you two to make that long trip here and celebrate with me was the greatest graduation gift I could have received.

My law school graduation, 2010

Thank you for being my big brother for the last 30 years and here is to 30 more!


Just because it's cute...

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